Bloodwood Tree |Place|Uses

Which is the tree from which blood comes out?


This unique tree found in South Africa is known by many names. People know this tree as Kiat Mukwa, Muninga and Bloodwood tree. The most unique thing about this tree is that if this tree is cut from anywhere, it starts bleeding.

Corymbia opaca, also known as the desert bloodwood, is a species of tree that is endemic to northern Australia. It has rough bark on part or all of the trunk, lance-shaped leaves, club-shaped flower buds and urn-shaped fruit. Several parts of this plant are used by Aboriginal Australians in traditional medicine.


The bloodwood tree grows 12 to 18 m tall, has a dark brown rough bark, a graceful umbrella-shaped spreading crown, bears yellow flowers, and produces a blood-red sap when cut or damaged.

Its plant uses:-

  • Apart from its uses for wood,  the tree also has medicinal uses. Many health issues like ringworm, stabbing pains, eye problems, malaria, blackwater fever and stomach problems can be treated using the bloodwood tree extracts.
  • The African bloodwood tree is also used to  treat many ailments such as worms, stabbing pains, black flu, stomach problems, and increased availability of breast milk. 
  • The bloodwood can be easily carved, it also glues  and screws well and takes a fine polish. The wood is also resistant to borer and termite, does not swell or shrink and has a pleasing spicy fragrance. This aforementioned qualities, together with its durability, makes it suitable for boat building, furniture's and bathroom floors.

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